Practice Information :

Tuesdays :  6:30pm  - 8:30pm (advanced)  NO TUESDAY KENDO
                   8:30pm - 10:00pm (Iaido / Jodo)
Fridays :     6:30pm - 7:30pm (beginners class)

                   7:30pm - 9:30pm (advanced)

Cost  (cash or checks):


$50 initiation fee per person 

$25 per month per person (6 month increments)

$25 / $30 (family) PJCI membership (yearly)

Plus AUSKF/SCKF Federation dues below:

AUSKF/SCKF membership (yearly)

$86 - 18 years and older ($50 addition, if new member)

$56 - 18 years and older / full-time student ($50 addition, if new member)

$44 - 17 years and under ($50 addition, if new member)

We only take beginners the first two Fridays in January and July 

The beginners class are held on Fridays from 6:30pm-7:30pm. After 6 months, the beginners will join the advanced class.

For beginners, the only equipment required is the shinai ** (bamboo sword) to start which has a cost of about $30. Once advanced, then the keiko-gi and hakama (clothing) is purchased (around $100+), then eventually the bogu (equipment), which starts around $400+.

Current senseis (l to r) : Matsuo, Yamasaki

General information

Maki Miyahara : Hanshi Hachi Dan (8th degree black belt)


** Beginners will need to purchase a shinai (bamboo sword) prior to the class. You can purchase one either at or